Mette Olufsen
Department of Mathematics
North Carolina State University
Campus Box 8205
Raleigh, NC 27695-8205
Tel: 919 515 2678
I am professor in the Department of Mathematics, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC. My primary research interests include bio-mathematics, mathematical modeling, and combining models with actual data. In particular I am interested in studying dynamics of the cardiovascular, respiratory, and inflammatory systems using fluid dynamics and system level models. I have a PhD degree in applied and industrial mathematics and a MS degree in mathematics and computer science from Roskilde University, Denmark.
- Qureshi, MU, Colebank, M, Paun, M, Yarbrough, A, Chesler, N, Haider, MA, Hill, NA Husmeier, D, Olufsen, MS. A comparative study of pulmonary hemodynamics in healthy and hypoxic mice. Submitted, 2018.
- Ciocanel, V, Docken, SS, Gasper, RE, Dean, C, Carlson, BE, Olufsen, MS. Cardiovascular regulation in response to multiple hemorrhages – Analysis and parameter estimation. Submitted, 2018.
- Williams, ND, Mehlsen, J, Olufsen, MS, Tran, HT. An Optimal Control Approach for Blood Pressure Regulation during Heat-Up Tilt. Submitted, 2018.
- Williams, ND, Brady, R, Gilmore, S, Gremaud, P, Tran, HT, Ottesen, JT, Mehlsen, J, Olufsen, MS. Cardiovascular dynamics during head-up tilt assessed via a pulsatile and non-pulsatile model. Submitted, 2018.
- Haargaard-Olsen, C, Ottesen, JT, Smith, RC, Olufsen, MS. Parameter Subset Selection Techniques for Problems in Mathematical Biology, Submitted, 2018.
- Marquis, AD, Arnold, A, Dean-Bernhoft, C, Carlson, BE, Olufsen, MS. Practical identifiability and uncertainty quantification of a Pulsatile Cardiovascular Model. Revised version submitted, 2018.
- Brady, R, Frank-Ito, DO, Tran, HT, Janum, S, Pedersen, SB, Ottesen, JT, Mehlsen, J, Olufsen, MS. Mathematical modeling of endotoxin-induced inflammatory response in young men. Math Modeling Natural Phenomena, in press, 2018.
- Paun, M, Qureshi, MU, Colebank, M, Hill, NA, Olufsen, MS, Haider, MA, Husmeier, D. MCMC methods for inference in a mathematical model of pulmonary circulation. Statistica Neerlandica, in Press, 2018.
- Qureshi, MU, Colebank, M, Schreier, D, Tabina, DM, Haider, MA, Chesler, NC, Olufsen, MS. Characteristic impedance: frequency or time domain approach? Physiological Measurements, 39:014004 2018.
- Bangsgaard, EO, Hjorth, PG, Olufsen, MS, Mehlsen, J, Ottesen, JT. Integrated Inflammatory Stress (ITIS) model. Bull Math Biol, 79:1487-1509, 2017.
- Mahdi, A, Nikolic, D, Birch, AA, Olufsen, MS, Panerai, RB, Payne, SJ. Increased blood pressure variability upon standing up improves reproducibility of cerebral autoregulation indices. Med Eng Physics, 47:151-158, 2017.
- Arnold, A, Battista, C, Bia, D, Zocalo German, Y, Armentano, RL, Tran, HT, Olufsen, MS. EnKF based inflow estimator for a 1D arterial network. J Verification, Validation and UQ, 2, 011002 (Feb 22) 2017.
- Sturdy, J, Ottesen, JT, Olufsen, MS. Modeling the differentiation of A- and C- type firing patterns in rat aortic baroreceptor. J Comp Neurosci, 42:11-30, 2016.
- Lee, P, Carlson, BE, Chesler, N, Olufsen, MS, Qureshi, MU, Smith, NP, Sochi, T, Beard, DA. Heterogenous mechanics of mouse pulmonary arterial network. Biomech Model Mechanobiol. 15:1245-1261, 2016. PMID: 26792789
- Battista, C, Bia, D, Zocalo, Y, Armentano, RL, Haider, MA, Olufsen, MS. Wave propagation in a 1D fluid dynamics model validated using pressure-area measurements from ovine arteries. J Mech Med Biol, 16:1650007 (26 pages), 2016.
- Matzuka, B, Mehlsen, J, Tran, HT, Olufsen, MS. Using Kalman filtering to predict time-varying parameters in a model predicting baroreflex regulation during head-up tilt. IEEE Trans Biomed Eng, DOI: 10.1109/TBME.2015.2409211, 2015.
- Mader, G, Olufsen, MS, Mahdi, A.. Modeling cerebral blood flow velocity during orthostatic stress. Ann Biomed Eng, 43(8):1748-1758, 2014.
- Ottesen, JT, Mehlsen, J, Olufsen, MS. Structural correlation method for model reduction and practical estimation of patient specific parameters illustrated on heart rate regulation. Math Biosci, 257:50-59, 2014.
- Qureshi MU, Vaughan GDA, Sainsbury C, Johnson M, Peskin CS, Olufsen MS, Hill NA. Numerical simulation of blood flow and pressure drop in the pulmonary arterial and venous circulation, Biomech Model Mechanobiol, 13:1137-1154, 2014.
- Mahdi A, Sturdy J, Ottesen JT, Olufsen MS, Modeling the afferent dynamics of the baroreflex control system, PLoS Computational Biology, December, 2013, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1003384.
- Williams ND, Wind-Willassen O, REU Program, Mehlsen J, Ottesen JJ, Olufsen MS. Patient specific modeling of head-up tilt. Math Med Biol, 31: 365-392, 2014.
- Ellwein LM, Pope SR, Xie A, Batzel JJ, Kelley CT, Olufsen MS. Modeling cardiovascular and respiratory dynamics in congestive heart failure. Math Biosci, 241:56-74, 2013.
- Aoi M, Hu K, Zhao P, Lo M-T, Selim M, Olufsen MS, Novak, V. Impaired cerebral autoregulation associated with brain atrophy and worse functional status in chronic ischemic stroke. PLoS ONE, 7(10):e46794, 2012.
- Ottesen JT, Novak V, Olufsen MS. Development of patient specific cardiovascular models predicting dynamics in response to orthostatic stress challenges. In Biomedical Modeling and Cardiovascular-Respiratory Control: Theory and Practice. Lecture Notes in Mathematics, Mathematical Biosciences Subseries, Vol 2064. J. Batzel, M. Bachar, F. Kappel (Eds.), pages 177-214, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2012.
- Olufsen MS, Hill NA, Vaughan GDA, Sainsbury C, Johnson M. Rarefaction and blood pressure in systemic and pulmonary arteries. J Fluid Mech, 705:280-305, 2012.
- Olufsen MS, Ottesen JT. Pateint specific parameter estimation and heart rate regulation. Math J Biol, In press, 2012.
- Olufsen MS, Smith B, Mehlsen J, Ottesen JT. The impact of gravity during head-up tilt. Eng Med Biol Soc, EMBC, 2001 Ann Int Conf IEEE. DOI 10.1109/IEMBS.2011.6090669, pages 2399-2402, 2011.
- Aoi MC, Matzuka B, Olufsen MS. Toward online, noninvasive, nonlinear assessment of cerebral autoregulation.
Eng Med Biol Soc, EMBC, 2011 Ann Int Conf IEEE. DOI 10.1109/IEMBS.2011.6090671, pages 2410-2413, 2011. - Batzel JJ, Ellwein LM, Olufsen MS. Modeling cardio-respiratory system response to inhaled CO2 in patients with congestive heart failure. Eng Med Biol Soc, EMBC, 2011 Ann Int Conf IEEE. DOI 10.1109/IEMBS.2011.6090673, pages 2418-2421, 2011.
- Steele BN, Valdez-Jasso D, Haider MA, Olufsen MS. Predicting arterial flow and pressure dynamics using a 1D fluid dynamics model with a viscoelastic wall. Siam J Appl Math, 71:1123-1143, 2011.
- Ottesen JT, Olufsen MS. Functionality of the baroreceptor nerves in heart rate regulation. Comp Meth Progs Biomed, 101:208-219, 2011.
- Valdez-Jasso D, Bia D, Zocalo Y, Armentano RL, Haider MA, Olufsen MS. Linear and nonlinear viscoelastic modeling of aorta and carotid pressure-area. Ann Biomed Eng, 39: 1438-1456, 2011.
- Aoi MC, Kelley CT, Novak V, Olufsen MS. Optimization of a mathematical model of cerebral autoregulation using patient data, 7th IFAC Symp Modelling and Control in Biomedical Systems, Volume 7, Part 1, DOI 10.3182/20090812-3-DK-2006.0088, Feb 2010.
- Ottesen JT, Olufsen MS. On the Track of Syncope Induced by Orthostatic Stress – Feedback Mechanisms Regulating the Cardiovascular System. 7th IFAC Symp Modelling and Control in Biomedical Systems, Volume 7, Part 1, DOI 10.3182/20090812-3-DK-2006.0042, Feb 2010.
- Aoi MC, Gremaud P, Tran HT, Novak V, Olufsen MS. Modeling cerebral blood flow and regulation, Eng Med Biol Soc, EMBC, 2009 Ann Conf IEEE. DOI 10.1109/IEMBS.2009.5334057, pages 2410-2413, 2009.
- Valdez-Jasso D, Haider MA, Campbell SL, Bia D, Zocalo Y, Armentano RL, Olufsen MS. Modeling viscoelastic wall properties of ovine arteries, Proc ASME 2009, Summer Bioeng Conf, SBC2009-205640, 2009.
- Valdez-Jasso D, Banks HT, Haider MA, Bia D, Zocalo Y, Armentano RL, Olufsen MS. Viscoelastic models for passive arterial wall dynamics. Adv Appl Math Mech, 1:151-165, 2009.
- Valdez-Jasso D, Haider MA, Banks HT, Bia D, Zocalo Y, Armentano R, Olufsen MS. Analysis of viscoelastic wall properties in ovine arteries, IEEE Trans Biomed Eng, 56(2):210-219, 2009.
- Pope SR, Ellwein LM, Zapata CL, Novak V, Kelley CT, Olufsen MS. Estimation and identification of parameters in a lumped cerebrovascular model, Math Biosci Eng, 6(1): 93-115, 2009.
- DeVault K, Gremaud PA, Novak V, Olufsen MS, Vernieres G, Zhao P. Blood flow in the circle of Willis: Modeling and calibration, Multiscale Mod Simul: SIAM Int J, 7(2):888-909, 2008.
- Batzel J, Novak V, Kappel F, Olufsen MS, Tran HT. Introduction to the special issue: Short-term cardiovascular-respiratory control mechanisms, J Cardiovasc Eng, 8(1):1-4 2008.
- Olufsen MS, Alston AV, Tran HT, Ottesen JT Novak V. Modeling heart rate regulation – Part I: Sit-to-stand versus head-up-tilt, J Cardiovasc Eng, 8(2):73-87, 2008.
- Fowler KR, Gray GA, Olufsen MS. Modeling heart rate regulation – Part II: Parameter identification, J Cardiovasc Eng, 8(2):109-119, 2008.
- Ellwein LM, Tran HT, Zapata C, Novak V, Olufsen MS. Sensitivity analysis and model assessment: Mathematical models for arterial blood flow and blood pressure, J Cardiovasc Eng, 8(2):94-108, 2008.
- Bai P, Banks HT, Dediu S, Govan AY, Last M, Lloyd A, Nguyen HK, Olufsen MS, Rempala G, Slenning BD. Stochastic and deterministic models for agricultural production networks, Math Biosci Eng, 4(3):373-402, 2007.
- Steele BN, Olufsen MS, Taylor CA. Fractal network model for simulating abdominal and lower extremity blood flow during resting and exercise conditions, Comp Meth Biomech Biomed Eng, 10:39-51, 2007.
- Yang C (work with Levy R, Olufsen M.S, Witelski, T). Modeling effects of aging on blood flow and pressure in the arterial system, Vertices Duke Uni J Sci Technol, 23:6-15, 2006.
- Larsen JK, Andreasen V, Larsen H, Olufsen MS, Ottesen JT. Cardiovascular modeling at IMFUFA in The way through Science and Philosophy: Essays in Honor of Stig Andur Pedersen. Andersen HB, Christiansen FV, Jorgensen KF, Hendricks VF (editors). Tributes Volume 4. College Publications, London, 2006, pp 87-97.
- Olufsen MS, Tran HT, Ottesen JT, REU program, Lipsitz LA, Novak V. Modeling baroreflex regulation of heart rate during orthostatic stress, Am J Physiol, R1355-R1368, 2006.
- Justice DH, Trussell HJ, Olufsen MS. Analysis of Blood Flow Velocity and Pressure Signals using the Multipulse Method, Math Biosci Eng, 3(2): 419-440, 2006.
- Olufsen MS, Ottesen JT, Tran HT, Ellwein LM, Lipsitz LA, Novak V. Blood pressure and blood flow variation during postural change from sitting to standing: Model development and validation, J Appl Physiol 99: 1523-1537, 2005.
- Olufsen MS, Tran HT, Ottesen JT. Modeling cerebral blood flow control during posture change from Sitting to standing, J Cardiovasc Eng 4(1): 47-58, 2004.
- Olufsen MS, Nadim A. On deriving lumped models for blood flow and pressure in the systemic arteries, Math Biosci Eng 1(1): 61-80, 2004.
- Ottesen JT, Olufsen MS, Larsen JK (editors). Mathematical Models in Human Physiology, SIAM, Philadelphia, 2004.
- Olufsen MS, Whittington MA, Camperi M, Kopell N. New Roles for the Gamma Rhythm: Population Tuning and Preproccesing for the Beta Rhythm, JCNS 14: 33-54, 2003.
- Olufsen MS, Nadim A, Lipsitz LA. A Lumped Parameter Model for Cerebral Blood Flow Regulation, Am J Physiol, Reg Int Comp Physiol, 282: R611-R622, 2002.
- Olufsen MS, Peskin CS, Kim WY, Pedersen EM, Nadim A, and Larsen J. Numerical Simulatoin and Experimental Validation of Blood Flow in Arteries with Structured Tree Outflow Conditions, Ann Biomed Eng 28(11): 1281-1299, 2000.
- Olufsen MS. A Structured Tree Outflow Condition for Blood Flow in the Larger Systemic Arteries, Am J Physiol, Heart and Circ Physiol, 276: H257-H268, 1999.
- Thesis: Olufsen MS. Modeling the Arterial System with Reference to An Anestesia Simulator, Text 345, IMFUFA, Roskilde University, Denmark, 1998.